Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chicken or the egg? It all sounds like lunch to me...

"I wanna wait until I see how it turns out, and then I'll decide if I want to stay in this relationship/keep the job/stay in this apartment/etc."

Yeah. You do that. Wait and see what happens. Here's my educated guess: you will pull a calf muscle from continuously running the pros/cons hamster wheel. Then, without much notice, you turn into a miserable reactor in your own life. It's like handing the steering wheel over to a four year old. "Let's just see what happens and then I'll decide to take action when something comes up." INCORRECT. Decide what you want and then commit to actions that honor your decision.

I've recently been a victim of the "I'm seeing what happens before I decide" philosophy. Here is where you do yourself, and everyone involved, a massive disservice when you think this way:

1. What is your spouse/partner/colleague/kid/student/client supposed to do while you wait for a sign from the gods or some circumstance to tell you what to do? Problem: other people don't necessarily want their futures to be left to a third party (if you aren't making the decisions about how to act or what to do, you're essentially inviting factors outside of your control to do so for you.). As the rest of us tap our toes and wait for you to employ some initiative or decisiveness, you're losing our a.) respect and b.) desire to be in a connection or relationship with you (hell, if we wanted our future to be left up to fate, we would have gone straight to the source!).
2. Your action muscles atrophy and you allow your reaction muscles to overtake your body until that's all you become: one big martyred, reactionary individual who feigns not having control over his/her life. Whine, whine, whine (cheese), violins, whine...NOT SEXY.
3. You lose your ability to efficiently deal with consequences of choice because you simply stop making any. Life kindly responds and excludes you from its game of Duck, Duck, Goose because you're too afraid to "lose." Life says "we know she's not playing, so why bother...she won't even try to catch us because she's too afraid of taking a risk. NEXT."

What comes first, the chicken or the egg? The commitment or the outcome you desire? Fact: if you commit to having what you want (no, not in a crazy Gordon Gekko "I will get it at any expense" kind of way), and you reaffirm that commitment whenever the sh*t hits the fan (it will, repeatedly), then the outcome is more likely to be in alignment with what you want. Conversely, when you leave the outcome up to time (a construct), fate (a construct), or to the weather, you are scattering your energies in 1,000 different directions, and what you want will most likely elude you because you're being taken on a wild goose chase (a lot of fowl references, huh?). You choose it; it doesn't choose you.

Decide now. Act accordingly. Place energy on what you want. Exercise willpower and faith when things get rocky. Enjoy the outcome and the lesson that inevitably comes with it. Wanna fly with the eagles? Then stop playing with the turkeys.

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