Monday, December 5, 2011

The Spiritual Diet: Lose 10 Pounds Fast!

I tried a well-known diet recently that eliminates practically an entire food group (the largest one…on the bottom of the pyramid). Yeah. You know the plan I’m referencing. And when I woke up today, all I wanted to do was devour an orange. Never in my life has the need for fruit consumed me to a level of quasi-erotic desire, but when you don’t eat fruit for days (and I’m used to a lot of plants and fruits), you would do anything, or anyone, to get your hands on something hanging from a tree and remotely edible.

Most diets find their foundation in eliminating certain foods. For instance, refined sugar (probably not a bad idea), or grains (I’d rather swallow a hanger), but to each her own, and the purpose is to help one shed excess weight, feel lighter, have more energy, and be more in-tune with who he is.

Ironically, a spiritual diet can do the same. At least I think so. What spiritual “food” groups can we eliminate in order to feel lighter, stronger, and healthier? I can think of a few:

Guilt makes me feel awful. It nags me, screams at me, perpetually punishes me, and really doesn’t fix the problem at hand. It’s like the chocolate in the cupboard, and I can’t have just one bite. The bag is literally jumping off of the shelf. It’s so damn loud. Probably better to not even bring it into the house. A bite here and there is inevitable (the holidays ARE coming), but don’t invite the temptation by letting it into your heart, home, body, soul. Turn your head. Walk away. Count to 10, and release the urge.

Anger is a whopper. As I age, I become more and more conscious about anger and releasing it as quickly as possible. No carcinogen on the planet is as toxic as this guy. Burn the skins on your grilled meat, eat Red Lake #40, take that leftover Phentramine, but my God, do not house anger inside your body. Want to talk about feeling “lighter?” You’ll float home.

And then there was…

Worry: the hidden high fructose corn syrup in the ketchup. Why do we do it? Does ketchup need corn syrup? Wouldn’t it taste better without corn syrup? Wouldn’t our ass thank us for ditching the corn syrup? Then DON’T EAT THE CORN SYRUP. It’s pointless. There’s just so much of it, we figure we should saturate everything we produce with it. Worry = corn syrup. Hidden, omnipresent, and totally unnecessary.

Grab a measuring tape, a scale, and a BMI calculator. Put them into a dark recess of your closet and bury them behind shoe boxes. Whatever is on the outside does not count right now, or at least until Christmas. You want to fit into that special dress? Great. Knock yourself out, but the spiritual diet also works wonders, despite the fact that it won’t sell books or be seen on infomercials. Why? Because it’s free, makes you feel good immediately, and helps you drop those unwanted “pounds” of misery at the snap of a finger. It doesn't subscribe to the "no pain, no gain" philosophy. It's more of a "no pain, all gain" approach.

All of this talk is making me hungry. “Please insert carb here.”

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